Secondly, I would not normally find either one of these hymns humorous, but taken in the context of tonight's meeting I could not help smiling/laughing.
The opening hymn was "Redeemer of Israel." The third verse reads, "How long we have wandered as strangers in sin/And cried in the desert for thee..." One purpose of the change to YSA stakes and wards is to offer only two options: a YSA ward or a local, conventional ward. In other words, they want to eliminate ward hopping. "How long we have wandered..."
The closing hymn was "Let Us All Press On." Much of the meeting was focused on staying in your ward/stake boundaries, making an absolute decision (YSA or conventional ward), and reaching out to those who may not be involved in the church at this time. They mentioned how the smaller wards would give more opportunity to serve, while the YSA stakes would offer opportunity to meet other young single adults. (And of course they mentioned that YSA wards are meant to be temporary, and that they want us all to "graduate." By creating more opportunities for us to meet people, they are hoping that this will happen for more people.) In any case, when they announced the closing hymn, I couldn't help laughing, and as the girl next to me thought about it, she also found it funny. "Let us all press on... fear not... courage..." Let's get out there and be active in our wards and reach out to others... and, as always, date and look for opportunities to marry.