This simple Primary song took on a new meaning for me today. If you've never heard it before (or even if you have), you can listen to it here.
We always seem to think about the stream giving and giving and giving. But taken as a whole, there's a deeper message.
We each have times in our lives where we feel like we've given. A lot. Sometimes we wonder where who will give to us, especially when we're feeling most down. Sometimes it feels like no one will. A comment made me consider what happens "behind the scenes" in this simple song.
A stream can't just "give away, oh, give away." It has to receive something. Through rain, snow, etc., it must continually be replenished. If it is not, it will dry up. It only has so much to give, unless it also continues to receive.
I guess it's significant, then, that the rain comes in the next verse. It doesn't just raise the drooping heads of the flowers. It replenishes the stream, so it can also continue giving. And even the flowers continue to give: they give joy and beauty.
"Give, then, as Jesus gives.... There is something all can give." Often it isn't very big. In fact, many times it will be very small. But there is something all can give. Everyone. You. Me. The old. The young. Everyone!
And as I was reminded today, it is as we all give that we build a Zion community. In building a Zion community, we become more like our Savior, Jesus Christ. We learn to love as He loves. We give and receive replenishment, strengthening each other. "Give," said the little stream. Because if you and I don't give, the stream that tries so hard to give will eventually run dry. "Give," said the little stream. "Give, then, as Jesus gives." Because Jesus Christ is not among us now. Because we must be His hands on earth in serving each other. One person cannot do it alone, but imagine a world where each person recognized his neighbors' needs! Imagine a world where Zion was truly established: "And the Lord called his people Zion, because they were of one heart and one mind, and dwelt in righteousness; and there was no poor among them." (Pearl of Great Price, Moses 7:18) Imagine that world! Then do what you can to bring that world into being. It is possible if we all heed the counsel of the little stream. :)