Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stress is relative...

Today was kind of a crazy day at work, but at least I was able to focus and get a lot of work done. I've kept thinking about how a year ago today, that was definitely not the case. That was the day that I accepted a new position at work... but even that was not by any means stressful.

The anxiety came primarily from a text from my mom, letting me know that my brother, Tom, had been in an accident involving a basketball standard, and could I please let both sets of grandparents know. (In her defense, she and my dad and youngest sister, Christine, were in Florida for a dental convention; I believe my mom and Christine were at Disney World that day. But all I knew from the text was that he'd had to get staples in his head, had a concussion, and that he had had a blessing.) I think most of the stress came from having very limited information and from feeling so helpless--Tom was in Colorado on his mission, still; I was in Utah; my parents were in Florida. I know we were all worried, but none of us could actually do anything.

It helps to put things in perspective... I feel confident that it is because of his faithful missionary service and the power of the priesthood that he healed quickly and has had no after-effects.

Strange to post about this now, a full year later? Maybe. It's just been on my mind again. Just as I'm happy to be alive, I'm happy my brother is alive and well, and I'm excited for his upcoming wedding. :)