Sunday, November 4, 2012

America, constitutional freedoms, and agency

Brief preface to this post: First, although the documentaries I watched have brought a multitude of thoughts to my mind, they were both more about presentation of things I could already see for myself. Second, though I may quote scriptures within this post, these are my own thoughts and impressions and not representative of or endorsed by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Nevertheless, I hope they are doctrinally sound.

I have watched two documentaries this weekend. The first was Obama's America: 2016, the second was AGENDA: Grinding America Down. As already stated, these films confirmed things I have already seen and interpreted for myself.

Obama's America: 2016 is not an apocalyptic film. There is not really a strong prediction of what America will be like in 2016. However, it does focus on what is known of Obama's background and specifically of his mentors and other influences. It is shown that he was influenced by his Kenyan father as well as by a number of socialists and communists. Those who still have strong influence in his life and his ideas also fall into this category.

The approach to the film was interesting. It seemed unlikely that the communist agenda itself, or the lack of information about Obama, would be enough to promote the ideas of the film. However, by presenting it instead as an anti-colonialism agenda, the points were strengthened. In either case, the predicted end result is similar: the weakening of America.

AGENDA: Grinding America Down took a different approach. It did not focus strongly on Obama (though he was mentioned), but it did focus on how socialistic and even communistic values have been gradually creeping into our society for at least two decades. The creator of the documentary specifically focused on how the communists have pushed their agenda by attacking Judeo-Christian values, especially the family. Their focus has been on mitigating the influence of parents by allowing public schools (i.e., government) to take over as early as possible. The real idea of communism, as presented by the documentary, is big government.

Also figuring into the communist agenda are both environmentalism and the feminist movement. Why? Because each of these can be presented in such a way as to sound exciting to the people. But what are they really doing? Environmentalism has forced us to become dependent on the government for energy resources. And the feminist movement contributes directly to the breakdown of the family, forcing children to be raised by the government without regard to the moral ideology of the parents.

It's absolutely frightening to think of what forcing communist ideals would mean. The film made the point that communism is a killing machine, stating that it was responsible for more deaths in the 20th century than were all of the wars throughout history, combined. Yikes! And the truly frightening thing? We have historical evidence of socialist/communist leaders rising to power through the voice of the people. Hitler did not come in at random and take control of Germany. The German people elected him, and he proceeded to enact "emergency legislation" (overriding the laws then in place) that gave him absolute power. While I know some would disagree, I would venture to say that Obama has already bent and twisted American law, even our Constitution, to suit his own needs and agenda.

You might argue that we would never see communism become a killing machine in the United States. I would disagree. Obamacare is actually a prime example. My cousin's son was born with a rare heart disease. They are already experiencing the effects of Obamacare on their ability to care for their son. The limit on the amount of money that can be put into a flexible spending account has decreased. (I read over a year ago that Obama's plan was for this to increase tax revenue and thus redistribute money more evenly.) This means that not only will they be taxed on that money, but they cannot spread the cost evenly over the year as a flexible spending account normally allows. Unfortunately, they are also unable to qualify for government aid for their son's medical care. That is, not only has the provision that allowed them to pay their medical bills been removed, but there is no provision to make up for it. My interpretation? The government is already placing value on lives and determining who should and should not receive the necessary care to survive. I know some will not agree with me, but these over-restrictive policies sound like a step toward euthanasia. We already know the left does not place value on unborn life; why should we expect them to value our lives? What right does man have to rank the value of others' lives?

Another comment I found interesting was the communist idea that eliminating God elevates man. What?!?! I suppose it temporarily elevates one man or a small group of men who maintain control of mankind. But eliminating God--well, it eliminates everything. Even if we could exist without a higher Being, without a Supreme Creator, what would be the purpose? Judeo-Christian values would suggest that the existence of God is what elevates man: "So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them" (Old Testament, Genesis 1:27). What could possibly be more elevating to man (and woman) than to know that we are created in the image of God, that we are His children? And because we are His children, every life, male or female, born or unborn, is of infinite worth.

I did feel a surge of gratitude as I listened to the presentation of the idea that this leftist agenda is especially being pushed in education. I agree with what they say. However, I was blessed to have some amazing teachers, Mr. Smith in particular, who strongly encouraged us to think for ourselves and to question everything we read or hear. It was exciting as a teenager to sit through a history class each day where I knew the teacher would allow me to challenge him. But I am ever so much more grateful for that, now--especially from a history teacher! The last two months leave us all wondering: who writes history, and what do they share or not share? America has yet to receive answers about Benghazi. Who will put it in the history books? What will they say? Will we ever know the truth?

In regard to education, my desire to home school (if the day comes when I do marry and have a family) was strongly reinforced. I will not allow the government to raise my child. I am capable of teaching not only moral values but secular learning. Even for me, where I was not home schooled, my love of learning came not from school (though I liked going to school), but from the values taught at home. This was not just religion. This was our shelves full of books, the music that was regularly a part of life, the family field trips to zoos and museums and other places. My children will be educated, not indoctrinated.

I was particularly struck by the comments relating directly to agency (even though the word "agency" was never used). The suggestion was made that the acceptance of the communist agenda by the left wing was born either of ignorance or of evil, and that evidence shows that for many ignorance is not an option. That leaves evil. Later it is also said that the farther communism progresses, the more difficult it is to recognize evil. Yikes! Think of Isaiah: "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" (Old Testament, Isaiah 5:20). And yet there are people who would do all in their power to blur those lines. Darkness cannot be mistaken for light, not bitter for sweet--not unless we have lost or given up our ability to see or to taste. The same is true between good and evil. One cannot be mistaken for the other unless we give up our ability to judge and to choose.

Which brings us to the heart of the problem with communism. What I drew from the documentary was that the greatest problem with communism (which is the direction our country appears to be headed) is the removal of our agency. I fought for agency before I came to this earth! You did, too, or you would not be here. One man, Saul Alinsky, who promotes the communist agenda and has strongly influenced Obama actually dedicated a book: "Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgement to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom--Lucifer." My jaw dropped when I heard that. Evil, evil, evil! No God-fearing Christian could deny that this is evil! And this man has an influence on our president?

We, as humans, are set apart from the rest of God's creations by our agency: the ability to distinguish and to choose between good and evil. Satan's (Lucifer's) plan was to have a "perfect" world in which our agency would be removed and we would all be forced back to heaven. In exchange, he wanted the glory. Sound a little like the communist agenda? I would say so.

I chose God's plan. This I know, because I am here on earth. I chose to gain a physical body, to come to earth with agency: the freedom to choose. I knew I would make mistakes. But I also knew that God's plan included a Savior, Jesus Christ, who would make it possible for me to repent, to continue to choose right, and eventually return to God. I chose this. I even knew there would be suffering. But I also understood that the suffering was necessary in order to experience joy. Without opposition, we do not learn or progress. The communist agenda would remove all opposition and with it our ability to choose.

Nearly 50 years ago, then Elder Benson (of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles) warned against the evils of socialism as seen in this link. I love his comment: "Stand up for freedom, no matter what the cost. It can help to save your soul, and maybe your country." Several thoughts come to my mind as I consider this. First, my grandpa grew up in Hitler's Germany. I have rarely heard him speak of it; it is not something he likes to remember. Knowing this, knowing that he left his homeland to establish a home and later a family in a land of freedom, knowing the great love he has for the United States, how could I possibly support anything that resembles Hitler's Germany? Second, as I have already said, I know I fought for agency--for the freedom to choose--before I came to this life. Because of this, the final thought is that I will continue to fight. This is about the triumph of good over evil. God's plan will prevail--we know which team will win. The question is, whose team will we be on? I want to be found on God's team. I will continue to fight for freedom--freedom to choose, freedom to worship my God. Elder Benson said, "Stand up for freedom, no matter what the cost." To my dying breath, I will stand up for freedom, against socialism and communism. No matter what the cost. If the day comes that I must give my dying breath in this fight, so be it. I would rather give my life knowing that I am on the Lord's team, and receive my reward from Him, than merely exist on a team that will ultimately be defeated.


  1. Masterfully done, again. Thank you for your profound insight and testimony. Much love. I will stand with you.

  2. I think you explained yourself very clearly, and you were extremely specific on WHY and HOW you came to those conclusions.. I find it refreshing when I've seen people say "I believe this and this." and then when asked why, they don't know how they came to that conclusion, but they are REALLY adamant about being right.

    But if you'll allow me to, I want to say that I consider myself to be a feminist albeit a conservative one. For me -and I know this definition WILL vary from person to person- feminism means to make choices for myself with my personal interest in mind as well as my family. While many people associate feminism with women going to work and abandoning their children to babysitters and daycare and effectively letting other people raise their children -this goes along with how you feel about the government raising your children with public/private schools- or even terminating pregnancies for any other reason than maternal endangerment or rape... that's not how I see myself.

    With the exception of Zoe, I had planned pregnancies. (Not saying I wasn't happy with being pregnant with Zoe, it's just I wasn't expecting it to happen due to a doctor telling me I was essentially 100% infertile) As a woman, I am grateful that I was able to use a combination of fertility tracking, birth control and long term planning on when I was going to get pregnant when I WANTED to get pregnant. I used various birth control methods to do this. While there was a mutual decision involved, I was able to say to my husband "I want to have another baby, I feel that my body is ready for the stress of pregnancy again and I would like to shoot for a birthday in this month" and well it was done! This was MY choice that I made for MY body. There was obviously some cooperation on his part, but the bulk of the decision was mine.

    I also made the choice to breastfeed. There are women who say "Breasts are for sexual purposes only, it's perverse that I nourish my child the way God intended me to." These women make the GRAVE mistake assuming since they have the convenience of mixing up formula that they aren't a "tied down" to a baby the end up being "tied down" to the sink and dishwasher and put themselves at the formula industry to provide safe formula; something that's not always a given. I've read studies that have indicated that formula feeding adds an extra 13 minutes of additional work to a mother's day PER FEEDING versus if she just breastfed. Again, MY body, MY choice! My children and I have benefited from a breastfeeding relationship. And not once did I EVER resent my children for this. I was perfectly content to work around my children's needs versus my selfish wants.

    There's more aspects I could maybe focus on, but those are the two strongest points. I always hesitate to say "I'm a Feminist!" because that does put into minds of mothers neglecting their children by allowing them to be raised by day cares/babysitters, that does mean that women skip out on their responsibilities as mothers, rather than tend to the needs of their children and there are women out there that don't take charge of their fertility and refuse to use birth control methods such as a pill or condoms or even fertility tracking (It's called natural family planning; many conservative people who do not believe in using any type of hormonal or physical contraceptive or even those who aren't able to for a variety of health reasons use it with great success if it's done properly.), and instead use abortions. I'm far from that in ALL respects!

    I make choices for myself without compromising the morals that have been taught to me. I don't allow anyone else dictate what I do with my body, so to me, that is what Feminism is really about.

    1. CRUD I totally realized I misrepresented what I said with this paragraph "I think you explained yourself very clearly, and you were extremely specific on WHY and HOW you came to those conclusions.. I find it refreshing when I've seen people say "I believe this and this." and then when asked why, they don't know how they came to that conclusion, but they are REALLY adamant about being right."

      The last part should say "I find it refreshing when I've seen people say "I believe this and this." and then when asked why, they can give a well reasoned and thought out answer, versus when they don't know how they came to that conclusion but they are REALLY adamant about being right."

      I can't believe I did that, I need to learn how to proofread better :P
