Saturday, March 29, 2014

Sisterhood and Unity

I want to preface this post with the fact that I know that there were other messages tonight, and that there may have been other things that stood out to other people. I just know that these are my thoughts right now, after participating in the Women's Meeting.

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Luana's drawing (an example of what Primary children can offer)

If I took away anything from the Women's Meeting this evening, it was a message of a need for greater unity, love, and service. From Sister Wixom: "As individuals we are strong. Together, with God, we are unstoppable." From Sister Oscarson: "We must stop concentrating on our differences and look for what we have in common" and "I invite you to not only love each other more but love each other better." From Sister Burton: "Help Wanted: Women to lift one another with love." And from President Eyring: "You are more alike as daughters of God than you are different." This underlying theme struck home on multiple levels.

First, several of the talks mentioned preparing Young Women for the transition to Relief Society, helping them to understand the sisterhood that exists and to have a desire to join this wonderful worldwide sisterhood. This is necessary; it is also necessary for those who are already in Relief Society to open their arms and hearts to those who are joining or returning. We could all be better, more welcoming. I think I speak for many young single adults when I say that it can be very difficult for us to feel like we belong somewhere. But in Relief Society, of all places, we should feel that we belong. I can't limit it just to the young single adults, though. I know there are others who would love to find the friends and support they need. We all need to be more conscious of those who need a hand of friendship. I definitely include myself in that. If Relief Society is about sisterhood, then let's be sisters--daughters of God, and disciples of Jesus Christ. If this is our focus, Relief Society will become a truly welcoming place for all sisters. Also from Sister Burton's talk, "Our true identity is that of a disciple of Jesus Christ!" Let us seek to live up to that identity.

The other thought I had as I considered this was regarding factions that have arisen within the Church. It was mentioned that it is the adversary who wants to divide us and emphasize our differences. If we all believe in and are seeking to live the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have so much in common! I don't believe this means that I have to embrace the things that I still believe to be contrary to the teachings of the gospel. However, I could be better at showing love and compassion, at focusing on our similarities as daughters of God. We are Christ's when we stand together in unity as His disciples. It is the adversary who wants to see us divided against each other. So let's learn to stand together.

All of this brings me to what may have been my favorite moment of the entire meeting: Sister Wixom had the 8-11 year old girls sing the first verse of "Teach Me to Walk in the Light":

Teach me to walk in the light of his love;
Teach me to pray to my Father above;
Teach me to know of the things that are right;
Teach me, teach me to walk in the light.

Then, everyone 12 and up sang the second verse:

Come, little child, and together we'll learn
Of his commandments, that we may return
Home to his presence, to live in his sight--
Always, always to walk in the light.

I couldn't help smiling, and I couldn't help but feel that we were all unified in this desire of teaching and learning together. It is not just the Relief Society that is a worldwide sisterhood. We have a responsibility to the Young Women and the Primary as well, and all three organizations can serve each other. We are all sisters. I believe this is the message that our leaders wanted to convey. Even before the conference, when some people were questioning the wisdom of having a meeting for ages 8 and above, I was very excited! This would be the perfect opportunity for mothers and daughters, for women and girls of all ages, to come together in sisterhood, to learn the gospel together, and to continue discussing the gospel as they returned home. It would be added encouragement for all ages to learn and study together. This was reinforced so strongly for me this evening! There were beautiful messages, meant for all who were there. Reach out in sisterhood! Reach out to those younger than you, and to those older than you. We all need each other, and we all have something to offer. Let us be sure to remember that "[we] are more alike as daughters of God than [we] are different" and focus our energies so that we can say in all integrity, "Our true identity is that of a disciple of Jesus Christ!"

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