Sunday, December 2, 2012

December: Christmas good

I really enjoyed doing the daily posting last month, so I've been trying to decide how I might continue that into December. As we are celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, I thought it might be fun to look for the good around me, whether it be small acts of service or specific Christlike qualities. I won't mention names. I just want to be more observant and notice the good in other people. :) I wanted it to be a little different from the gratitude posts, though.

1 December 2012. This was rather a big one, actually. I saw the generosity of many people who had donated trees, and many others who had purchased the trees at the Festival of Trees.

2 December 2012. I noticed today how there were many people eager to bear pure, sweet, simple testimony of Jesus Christ and of His gospel. Because they did, the Spirit was able to speak to the hearts of all who were listening.

3 December 2012. I saw eager giving of goods and services to auction and even more eager giving of money in an auction to help provide Christmas for families in need. It is good not just to see people giving at Christmas time, but to see them so excited about it.

4 December 2012. I saw sweet humility in a request for forgiveness. It was unexpected and unnecessary (I saw/took no offense), but still welcome. It makes me want to be better, too.

5 December 2012. I saw people who prepared and then willingly shared their talents. More importantly, I saw people who were quick to extend the hand of friendship to others.

6 December 2012. I saw excitement in learning and specifically in making connections and beginning to put things in context in relation to each other. The glory of God is intelligence. :)

7 December 2012. I saw patience demonstrated even in little, seemingly insignificant questions and problems that continue to arise.

8 December 2012. I saw the sweet innocence of childhood in a tiny helpless baby and in a toddler who loves his baby sister and is eager to share with her and with others.

9 December 2012. I saw people willing to give of their time and energies to fulfill callings and to support each other, even when their time is very limited.

10 December 2012. I saw many people eager to give of their time and energy to serve at the Food Bank, organizing food items that will eventually go to those in need, while building and strengthening friendships.

11 December 2012. I saw friendly smiles and well-wishes exchanged between complete strangers. (This is one of the best things about the Christmas season!) I also saw two men prepared to give a priesthood blessing at a moment's notice (not sure to whom, but it doesn't matter). It made me think how wonderful it is to work in an environment where a person need not hesitate to ask!

12 December 2012. I saw many people uniting in agreement that the most important part of church is not making a stand but worshiping God.

13 December 2012. I saw the benefits of working together to solve a problem and come to a realistic solution.

14 December 2012. I saw many people with broken hearts, joining in faith and prayer on behalf of those--strangers--who are suffering following today's tragic elementary school shooting. It brings the spirit of Christmas and the importance of family closer to home.

15 December 2012. I was reminded of the importance of finding unity instead of division, focusing on similarities instead of differences, and loving and praying for all of God's children.

16 December 2012. I heard the story of the candy bomber, who brought joy to children of West Berlin, and saw the overwhelming response (a standing ovation) for a man who has spent his life serving God and country--and the people of the world.

17 December 2012. I saw a lot of good discussion and collaboration among coworkers. I also saw more giving in the form of carolers with goodies.

18 December 2012. I saw community (some Catholic, some Mormon, probably some Protestant) come together to join in celebrating the birth of the Savior through Christmas carols. This included the preparation of the children who sang and the beauty and love they shared with everyone there.

19 December 2012. I saw beautiful, sweet gratitude expressed. I also saw the joy that comes from joining together in singing Christmas hymns with those with whom we work. (Christmas music is always joyful, isn't it?)

20 December 2012. I saw people willing to give of precious time to serve in the temple. What a beautiful Christmas gift. :)

21 December 2012. I was offered a ride over taking public transportation. (I'm excited to try Frontrunner still, but it can wait. I'll take the ride and the company!)

22 December 2012. I saw a few drivers who were aware of and courteous to others on the road in the midst of crazy, last-minute-holiday-shopping traffic. (In Provo/Orem, even Saturday qualified as last-minute, since Sunday is out for most of Utah valley.)

23 December 2012. I saw a sweet boy ready to share his favorite toys with his baby sister when she was crying. In a couple more months, she might actually be able to take some of them. :)

24 December 2012. I saw the excitement of preparing Christmas for a small child, including watching a brief nativity movie, then Muppet Christmas carol, then fixing up a stocking and making the Christmas tree more accessible.

25 December 2012. I saw the excitement of childhood over Christmas day, and family togetherness (even if we were all exhausted). It makes me more excited to have everyone together for a bit.

26 December 2012. I was offered a ride to work instead of getting up super early to take Frontrunner from Orem. Awesome!

27 December 2012. I woke up this morning to already-shoveled steps out of my building. I was offered a ride home from the grocery store. (There seem to be a lot of rides!) Also, I saw people quick to help a fellow passenger on the bus know where she needed to get off to get where she was going.

28 December 2012. I saw how hard work paid off in creating fun lights at the zoo, and I saw friends happy to share their evening out.

29 December 2012. The best I can come up with today is "seeing" (through pictures) the excitement of my parents meeting their granddaughter. I was lazy and didn't go anywhere at all...

30 December 2012. I saw priesthood power exercised not only in conducting meetings but in sustaining and setting me apart to a new calling.

31 December 2012. Mostly I saw family togetherness. It was fun to have almost all of us (my brother-in-law, Alex, excepted) together.

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