Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Book of Mormon--nearing the end of another year

I began this year with a blog post about what the Book of Mormon means to me, mentioning that there might be more posts to follow. Up to this point, there haven't been (sorry!), but after today's Sunday School lesson, I wanted to share some thoughts again.

The lesson was on Mormon 7-9, Mormon's farewell and Moroni's first farewell. Mormon's farewell in chapter 7 is only 10 verses long, but it is beautiful. He bears his testimony of Jesus Christ and of the atonement and outlines the first principles and ordinances of the gospel: faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance, baptism, and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost. So simple, yet so profound. He mentions the resurrection and the beautiful promises made to those who have repented and embraced the gospel of Jesus Christ.

One verse that really stood out to me is in Mormon 8:35: "Behold, I speak unto you as if ye were present, and yet ye are not. But behold, Jesus Christ hath shown you unto me, and I know your doing." I take this to mean that he did not just see our day, but that he saw me specifically and knew my doing. This could be a frightening thing, but it doesn't have to be.

Even as Moroni continues to describe the pride and hypocrisy and secret abominations of the latter-days, he does mention that there are a few who do not fall into this category. He saw the bad, but he also saw the good. What does that mean for us?

I can't help thinking that even as my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want me to return home to them, and as Jesus Christ has prepared the way through His atonement, crucifixion, and resurrection, that there are many others who are also eager for me to prove myself and to return home to my Heavenly Father. It's encouraging to think that a great prophet like Moroni is among them. Going back to Mormon's words in chapter 7 adds further encouragement. Mormon wrote that he wanted the people to "know of the things of their fathers" (Mormon 7:1, repeated in verses 5 and 9). While this is literally directed to the descendants of the people he had just seen destroyed and of the people he saw continuing to battle each other, I believe it is also directed to us--to me. As I learn of my ancestors and others who have gone before, particularly as I learn of their love for the gospel and for the Savior Jesus Christ, I also come to know that there are many people who have already passed on who want to see me succeed, who want to see me return to my Heavenly Father. I am not alone! Between the friends and family I have, on earth and in heaven, and as I rely on the atonement of Jesus Christ, I can reach my eternal potential. I have an amazing support system, even if I cannot see all of them! Someday I hope to be able to meet them. :)

In Moroni's farewell in chapter 9, he speaks of the works of God and reminds us that God is a God of miracles. How can we not believe, when we see His wondrous works each day? "For do we not read that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and in him there is no variableness neither shadow of changing?" (Mormon 9:9) And he continues, "Behold, are not the things that God hath wrought marvelous in our eyes? Yea, and who can comprehend the marvelous works of God?" (Mormon 9:16) I only need to look around me, or to turn to the Book of Mormon or other scriptures, to feel the power of God's love and to know that He is a God of miracles, that His hand is over all the earth, that He has a plan for me and for each of His children, that He loves us all!

As Moroni tells us, "For the eternal purposes of the Lord shall roll on, until all his promises shall be fulfilled." (Moroni 8:22) The Lord has made such wonderful promises to those who will obey Him! He will fulfill those promises.

As I sat in Sunday School today, the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon was reconfirmed to me through the Holy Ghost. There are so many who have sacrificed, both then and now, so that I can have the word of God today. I know that the Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. I know that it was written for our day. This becomes more clear as the turmoil in the world increases. I know that the Book of Mormon teaches us the plan of salvation and is a means to come nearer to Jesus Christ. I know that Jesus Christ lives, and that He is my Savior. I know that God is still a God of miracles. I find peace and joy in this knowledge. I bear this testimony in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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